Black simplicity


Bok svima!

Još jedan post je tu! Ovaj post ima manje slika jer sam bila u žurbi, ali sam željela sa Vama podijeliti današnji outfit. Nedavno sam ponovno oživljela moju ljubav prema dolcevitama, poprilično su elegantne i vrlo udobne. Uz crne hlače iz H&M-a, dolcevitu iz S.OLIVERA, kombinirala sam s NIKE-icama i kaputom iz ZARE. (Isti onaj iz prijašnjeg posta, samo sam skinula krzno). I kao jednostavan dodatak na ovaj casual outfit, crna torbica iz H&M-a i moje nove sunčane naočale s EBAYA. (Link za naočale).
Nadam se da Vam se post svidio, 
Do sljedećeg posta, 

Hello everyone!

Another post is here! This post has less pictures than usual because I was in a hurry, but I wanted to share with you today's outfit. I recently re-invigorated my love for turtleneck shirts. They are quite elegant and very comfortable. With black pants from H&M, turtleneck from S.OLIVER, I combined the NIKE sneakers and coat from  ZARA. (The same one from the previous post, I just took off the fur). In addition to this casual outfit, I combined black purse from H&M and my new sunglasses from EBAY. (Link for glasses).
I hope you liked the post,
Until next post,

   Photos taken by: ERNA


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