2nd birthday of Dora Dii Blog!


Happy Birthday!

Prije 2 godine odlučila sam da želim stvoriti nešto svoje, nisam znala što bi točno to bilo, ali sam znala da treba uključivati fotografiju i modu. I tako, ležeći na plaži i guštajući u predivnim hrvatskim plažama, odlučila sam da bi mogla pokrenuti svoj blog. Ta ideja me i veselila i strašila, što je odmah bio dobar znak da radim nešto do čega mi je bilo vrlo stalo. 
Nisam znala hoću li uspijeti, hoću li moći voditi blog, hoće li opstati, no evo, tu sam, sjedim za laptopom, na plaži (again) i pišem ovaj post koji slavi drugi rođendan mog bloga! I moram Vam reći da sam jako sretna! 
Lijepo je kad imate nešto što vas ispunjava, nešto čemu pobjegnete od svakodnevnih obaveza. 
U posljednje vrijeme čitam sve više tekstova koji ismijavaju pojavu sve više bloggera/ica na našoj modnoj sceni. Iskreno, mislim da svatko tko želi pokrenuti blog ima puno pravo na to, i takvi tekstovi ga ne bi trebali spriječiti. Mi, koji se bavimo ovim, bi im trebali biti potpora i ohrabriti ih na takav korak. Stoga, dragi moji, ako je to ono što Vas čini sretnima, učinite to! Ako se ipak odlučite da to nije za Vas (iako ste ga već napravili), nema veze, makar možete reći: ''Hej, probao/la sam!''. 

Roćkas Dora Dii Bloga slavim ovim jednostavnim outfitom (tipično u mom stilu). Ono o čemu sam već pisala su muške košulje, moja velika ljubav. Dečki imaju tako velik izbor košulja sa genijalnim uzorcima da i ja pokoju ugrabim. Ponosna sam vlasnica 6 muških košulja i neću stati! Ova košulja je također s muškog odijela C&A, a spojila sam ju s mom jeans! Mom jeans su mi najdraži oblik traperica i ne odričem ih se! Jučer sam razgledavala Trogir stoga sam morala imati udobnu obuću, a što je udobnije od Nike tenisica? 

Nadam se da se nisam previše raspisala, 
Do idućeg posta,
Vaša Dii.

2 years ago I decided I wanted to create something of my own, I did not know what exactly it was, but I knew that it should include photography and fashion. And so, lying on the beach and enjoying the beautiful Croatian beaches, I decided that I could start my own blog. The idea of that scared me and made me happy, which is immediately a good sign that I'm doing something that was very important to me.
I did not know if I'll make it, will I be able to keep a blog, will it survive, but hey, I'm here, sitting on a laptop on the beach (again) and I'm writing this post, which is celebrating the second anniversary of my blog! And I must tell you that I am very happy!
It's nice when you have something that fulfills you, something that gets you away from the daily duties.
Recently, I read more and more articles that make fun of the appearance of more and more bloggers on our fashion scene. Frankly, I think anyone who wants to start a blog has every right to it. We, who are doing this, should be a support and encourage them to take such a step. Therefore, my dear friends, if that's what makes you happy, do it! If you do decide that this is not for you (although you have already made it), it does not matter, at least you can say, ''Hey, I've tried ''.

I celebrated the birthday of Dora Dii Blog with this simple outfit (typical for my style). What I already wrote, men's shirts are my great love. The guys have such a large selection of shirts with ingenious patterns. I am a proud owner of six men's shirts and I will not stop! This shirt is also from male's clothing section of C&A, and I combined it with my mom jeans! Mom jeans are my favorite type of jeans and I do not renounce them! Yesterday I surveyed the Trogir so I had to have comfortable shoes, and what is more comfortable than Nike sneaker?

I hope I was not too chatty,
Until the next post,
Your Dii.

Shirt: H&M
Sneakers: Nike
Shirt: C&A
Sunglasses: *gift* 
Mom Jeans: Pull&Bear
Bag: New Yorker


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